7 Sacred Traditions of Bengali Brahmin Matrimony

7 Sacred Traditions of Bengali Brahmin Matrimony

The traditional Indian marriage is well—full of traditions—and meaningful rituals that the adherents hold dear to their hearts. How can it be otherwise?

Among the many communities residing in West Bengal, Bengali Brahmins have some of the most complex yet interesting wedding rituals.

Any Bengali Brahmin Matrimony is incomplete without these gamuts of traditions and it is considered inauspicious to avoid even one of them.

Therefore, on that note, let’s look at the different traditions associated with the Bengali Brahmin marriage.

7 Sacred Traditions of Bengali Brahmin Matrimony

Love them or hate them, traditions are passed down from our ancestors and form a crucial aspect of the marriage ceremony. Not without reason though!

These traditions and rituals are a way of blessing the newly married couple, helping them feel comfortable with each other, and introducing the families on both sides that will now become related.

So let’s look at 7 of the most sacred and unavoidable traditions surrounding Bengali Brahmin marriages.


This is the first event that kicks off the festivities. In this ceremony women from the bride’s and groom’s houses visit each other’s homes carrying 7 betel leaves and nuts.

Moreover, the bride’s female relatives also carry small coconuts from the bride’s house to the groom’s place.

Finally, elders from both families bless the couple and sanctify them for the remaining rituals that proceed with this first one.

Gaye holud and Aaye buro bhaath

During this function, Bengali Brahmins give up eating fish. They apply hold or a turmeric paste to the bodies of the groom and bride to purify them for the upcoming marriage. In modern times, friends and family of the bride and groom participate in this ceremony meant to cleanse, purify and make ready.


On the afternoon of the day before the wedding, this interesting and fun ceremony takes place. The bride and groom are fed their favourite dishes in their respective homes. This is their last meal as an unmarried person and can be compared with the stag party of western culture.

Puja or Vridhi

For Bengali Brahmins, prayer or puja is an important aspect of their daily lives. Hence on the auspicious occasion of marriage, they choose to perform Vridhi or Puja to their gods.

Families of both the bride and groom go to their respective ancestral temples and offer prayers to their family deities. The bride and groom’s paternal uncles have to perform the rituals associated with the Vridhi.

Ganga Snan or Churakaran

This ritual takes place to please the Goddess Ganga. At the beginning of the wedding day, early in the morning, female relatives of the couple, take water from the Ganges river and perform a ritual bath. It is only after this bath that the rituals of the day are allowed to start.

Wearing of the Shaka Paula

Wearing the Shaka Paula is another sacred rite, where the to-be bride has to wear red and white bangles, made traditionally of coral and shell. These are gifts from the husband of the bride to be. As she dons the sacred churis, she remembers that they are the mark of a married woman and graciously accepts them.

Feeding Brahmin kids

This ceremony is well known across the different sects and castes of the Bengali fabric. It involves feeding Brahmin kids in a large group. This ritual is a way of sharing the happiness of the married couple with others. Moreover, there is a feast for the priests and the food for them is prepared in a different quarter of the house.


Bengali Brahmin matrimony is full of holy rites and significant traditions. These traditions are a beautiful way of solemnising the sacred union between two souls, and two families.

They hold special meaning to the adherents and consequently are carried out with devotion and love.

Therefore, usher in the blissfulness of married life with these sacred rites.

MarriagePaper and Your Bengali Brahmin Marriage

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